Adding Annotations

We’ll continue our exploration of the WWT API by considering annotations: geometrical overlays that can be layered on top of the WWT view.

Update the JavaScript code of your index.html file to add the following changes:

var script_interface, wwt;

function init_wwt() {
    const builder = new wwtlib.WWTControlBuilder("wwtcanvas");
    script_interface = builder.create();

function on_ready() {
    console.log("WWT is ready!");
    wwt = wwtlib.WWTControl.singleton;

function on_wtml_loaded() {
    wwt.setForegroundImageByName("Rho Ophiuchi cloud complex");
    wwt.gotoRADecZoom(16.442, -24.385, 1.06, false);

function on_arrived() {

const centers = [ // RA and Dec in degrees
    [246.597, -24.350],
    [246.679, -24.342],
    [246.600, -24.413],

function add_annotations() {
    for (var i = 0; i < centers.length; i++) {
        const c = new wwtlib.Circle();
        c.setCenter(centers[i][0], centers[i][1]);

window.addEventListener("load", init_wwt);

Hopefully, this new code should seem fairly self-explanatory. The Circle class is a fairly straightforward object representing a circular annotation, and the ScriptInterface.addAnnotation() API registers the annotation so that the engine will draw it. There are removeAnnotation() and clearAnnotations() APIs that allow annotations to be removed if no longer needed. In this mode, the circle radius is specified in degrees.

The WWT view of Rho Oph with three green circles added

You guessed it — you can add an annotation in the Vue/Pinia model using an API method called engineStore().addAnnotation() . There is no corresponding WWTInstance method because it would offer no “value-add” above the function that already exists on the core ScriptInterface — this particular method doesn’t involve any fancy asynchronous behavior.

You can also add annotations corresponding to filled polygons, or sequences of line segments:

function add_annotations() {
    const pl = new wwtlib.PolyLine();

    for (var i = 0; i < centers.length; i++) {
        const c = new wwtlib.Circle();
        c.setCenter(centers[i][0], centers[i][1]);

        pl.addPoint(centers[i][0], centers[i][1]);

    pl.addPoint(centers[0][0], centers[0][1]);

The previous view augmented with a white triangle

WWT's polygon fills use an even-odd rule, which means that you must specify your polygon points such that they are counterclockwise on the sky (East-from-North position angle increasing). If you create a small filled polygon with clockwise points, nothing will fill in!

If you want to render a lot of circles, you should probably use a “spreadsheet” (data table) layer, which can scale to rendering tens of thousands of data points. To render a really big number of circles, like millions, you can use a progressive HiPS catalog layer, which will stream in catalog entries on-the-fly and render an appropriate subset based on the current view.


WWT’s annotations system has a few limitations to know about.

First, there are some documented attributes that aren’t implemented, particularly control over line widths. These were implemented in the earlier canvas-based rendering scheme, but not in the current WebGL scheme.

For the same reason, there is currently no support for textual annotations. Rendering arbitrary text in WebGL is surprisingly hard! Contributions to add this functionality would be welcome.