Function getWtmlFile

  • Load a WTML collection and register its imagesets with the WWTControl.

    This function launches an asychronous operation to retrieve the collection data from the specified URL. As such, the returned Folder object will start out blank and unpopulated. Its contents will be filled in from the parsed data at some point in the future, at which point the complete callback will be called.


    • url: string

      The URL from which to retrieve the WTML data.

    • complete: Action

      A callback to be called after the folder (and all child folders, if loadChildFolders is set to true) is successfully loaded.

    • Optional loadChildFolders: boolean

      Optional, When true, this method will recursively download and unpack all Folders contained in the original WTML file. Defaults to false.

    Returns Folder

    A folder object that will be populated asynchronously.

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