Class RenderContext

The core state of the WWT rendering engine.

This class contains most of the information about the WWT camera, view configuration, and core datasets being rendered.

The Camera

Core Datasets

The Viewport


  • RenderContext



alt: number
az: number
customTrackingParams: CameraParameters
height: number
lighting: boolean
nearPlane: number
perspectiveFov: number
space: boolean
targetAlt: number
targetAltitude: number
targetAz: number
targetCamera: CameraParameters
viewCamera: CameraParameters
width: number


  • Add a new "catalog HiPS" imageset to the view.

    Each catalog HiPS imageset is associated with a SpreadSheetLayer that is updated with dynamically-loaded data as the WWT camera moves around. This API adds this layer to the LayerManager and invokes the onLoad callback when the imageset's initial loading has completed.

    The caller must ensure that the imageset argument actually does correspond to a "catalog HiPS" dataset.


    • imageset: Imageset

      The imageset to load.

    • onLoad: null | Action

      An optional callback to invoke after the initial load is completed.

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • planetID: number
    • viewLat: number
    • viewLong: number

    Returns number

  • Fetch the subset of catalog HiPS data contained within the current view.

    The imageset should have been loaded with the addCatalogHips call. The limit parameter should almost always be true, since if false the data-fetch operation can potentially attempt to download and return gigabytes of data.


    • imageset: Imageset

      The catalog HiPS imageset to query

    • limit: boolean

      If true, limit the amount of data returned

    • onComplete: InViewReturnMessageCallback

      A callback to be invoked when the data have been fetched.

    Returns void

  • Remove a "catalog HiPS" imageset from the view.

    The argument must be an imageset previously passed to addCatalogHips.


    • imageset: Imageset

      The imageset to remove.

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • v: SolarSystemObjects

    Returns SolarSystemObjects

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