Interface WWTEnginePiniaState

This interface expresses the properties exposed by the WWT Engine’s Pinia store module. These are re-exposed by WWTAwareComponent with their names prefixed with wwt.

This support interface is intentionally undocumented — see The WWT Pinia Interface instead! This interface is entirely redundant with the items defined engineStore and we have opted to centralize the in-depth documentation there.


  • WWTEnginePiniaState


activeLayers: string[]

The GUIDs of all rendered layers, in their draw order.

This list gives the GUIDs of the layers that are currently candidates for rendering. This list is determined by the hierarchy of "layer maps" registered with the engine and its current rendering mode. Layers in this list might not be actually rendered if their enabled flag is false, if they are fully transparent, and so on.

In WWTAwareComponent this item is exposed under the name wwtActiveLayers.

availableImagesets: ImagesetInfo[]

Information about the imagesets that are available to be used as a background.

The info includes the name, which can then be used to set the background image via the setBackgroundImageByName mutation.

In WWTAwareComponent this item is exposed under the name wwtAvailableImagesets.

backgroundImageset: null | Imageset

The current background Imageset, or null if it is undefined.

You can cause this state variable to change using the setBackgroundImageByName mutation.

In WWTAwareComponent this item is exposed under the name wwtBackgroundImageset.

clockDiscontinuities: number

The number of times that the progression of the WWT internal clock has been changed discontinuously.

The main use of this state variable is that you can watch for changes to it and be alerted when the clock has been altered.

In WWTAwareComponent this item is exposed under the name wwtClockDiscontinuities.

clockRate: number

The rate at which the WWT internal clock progresses compared to real time. If the WWT clock is paused, this will be zero. Negative and fractional values are both possible.

In WWTAwareComponent this item is exposed under the name wwtClockRate.

currentTime: Date

The current time of WWT internal clock. In normal operation this variable will change with every rendered WWT frame, or every 30 ms or so.

In WWTAwareComponent this item is exposed under the name wwtCurrentTime.

decRad: number

The current declination of the center of the WWT view, in radians.

TODO: define the meaning here for view modes other than "sky."

In WWTAwareComponent this item is exposed under the name wwtDecRad.

foregroundImageset: null | Imageset

The current foreground Imageset, or null if it is undefined.

You can cause this state variable to change using the setForegroundImageByName mutation.

In WWTAwareComponent this item is exposed under the name wwtForegroundImageset.

foregroundOpacity: number

The opacity of the foreground imageset. Values range between 0 (invisible) and 100 (fully opaque).

In WWTAwareComponent this item is exposed under the name wwtForegroundOpacity.

imagesetLayers: {
    [guidtext: string]: ImageSetLayerState;

A table of activated imageset layers.

Use imagesetStateForLayer to access information about a particular layer.

In WWTAwareComponent this item is exposed under the name wwtImagesetLayers.

Type declaration

isTourPlayerActive: boolean

Whether a tour has been loaded up and is available for playback.

In WWTAwareComponent this item is exposed under the name wwtIsTourPlayerActive.

isTourPlaying: boolean

Whether a tour is actively playing back right now. This can spontaneously become false if the tour completes playing.

In WWTAwareComponent this item is exposed under the name wwtIsTourPlaying.

raRad: number

The current right ascension of the center of the WWT view, in radians.

TODO: define the meaning here for view modes other than "sky."

In WWTAwareComponent this item is exposed under the name wwtRARad.

renderType: ImageSetType

The current mode of the WWT renderer.

This is derived from the "type" of the active background imageset. To change the mode, change the background imageset with setBackgroundImageByName.

In WWTAwareComponent this item is exposed under the name wwtRenderType.

rollRad: number

The current roll of the view camera, in radians.

In WWTAwareComponent this item is exposed under the name wwtRollRad.

showWebGl2Warning: boolean

Whether or not to show a warning about recommending WebGL 2

In WWTAwareComponent this item is exposed under the name wwtShowWebGl2Warning.

spreadSheetLayers: {
    [guidtext: string]: SpreadSheetLayerState;

A table of activated imageset layers.

Use imagesetStateForLayer to access information about a particular layer.

In WWTAwareComponent this item is exposed under the name wwtSpreadSheetLayers.

Type declaration

  • [guidtext: string]: SpreadSheetLayerState
timeAtStartup: number

The time at which the Vue/Pinia system started up.

tourCompletions: number

The number of times that a WWT tour has completed playing.

The main use of this state variable is that you can watch for changes to it and be alerted when a tour finishes. Watching isTourPlaying doesn't suffice because that will trigger when a tour is paused.

In WWTAwareComponent this item is exposed under the name wwtTourCompletions.

tourRunTime: null | number

The total runtime of the current tour, in seconds, if there is one.

In WWTAwareComponent this item is exposed under the name wwtTourRunTime.

tourStopStartTimes: number[]

The timecodes at which the current tour’s "stops" begin, in seconds.

Each WWT tour is composed of one or more "stops", each of which has a fixed wall-clock duration. This variable gives the start times of the stops under the assumption that they all follow one another in sequence. It is possible to have nonlinear flow from one stop to the next.

If no tour is loaded, this is an empty array.

In WWTAwareComponent this item is exposed under the name wwtTourStopStartTimes.

tourTimecode: number

The "timecode" of the current tour playback progression.

The "timecode" is approximately the number of seconds elapsed since tour playback began. More precisely, however, it is the start time of the current tour stop, plus however much wall-clock time has elapsed while at that stop. Because it is possible for stops to link to each other non-linearly, it is also possible for the timecode to progress non-linearly even when the tour plays back without user interaction.

In combination with tourStopStartTimes, you can use this value to determine the index number of the currently active tour stop.

If no tour is loaded, this is zero.

In WWTAwareComponent this item is exposed under the name wwtTourTimecode.

zoomDeg: number

The WWT zoom level, in degrees.

TODO: define the semantics here in 3D and other modes.

In 2D sky mode, the zoom level is the angular height of the viewport, times six.

In WWTAwareComponent this item is exposed under the name wwtZoomDeg.

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