
This package turns the WorldWide Telescope rendering engine, @wwtelescope/engine, into a well-behaved web app component using Vue, Pinia, and TypeScript.

Vue and Pinia are systems that provide a slick, modern framework for creating component-based Web applications. This kind of approach requires more infrastructure than hand-coding HTML and JavaScript, but it allows you to build large, sophisticated apps in a tractable way — while also making it easy to take advantage of pre-built, third-party app components. To learn more about these frameworks, we suggest checking out the Vue guide and then the Pinia guide. There are many, many other tutorials for these popular packages around the web as well.

This package provides the following building blocks:

  • A system that lets you control the WWT engine using the Pinia state-management framework, accessed with the engineStore function. This integration provides a standardized way for different pieces of code (say, different components of a web app) to observe the state of the WWT engine (say, the current coordinates of its view center) as well as control it (say, trigger a slew to a new location).
  • A reusable Vue component, WWTComponent, that contains a WWT view and links it up to the Pinia system. If you include a WWTComponent in your Vue-based web application, you can control it from anywhere else in your codebase by using Pinia actions like engineStore.gotoRADecZoom.
  • Finally, this package also provides a helper called WWTAwareComponent. If you are using Vue’s “options API”, you can use it as a base class for your own Vue components (say, a readout of the current view coordinates) to gain easy access to the WWT state. Specifically, this base class provides a full suite of getters and methods that are automagically wired up to the engine’s Pinia state. In Vue’s “composition API”, the recommended style is use the engineStore directly.

The key benefit provided by this whole framework is that it makes it easy to integrate WWT into a modern, component-based web application. Any component that needs to observe or control the WWT view — not just the one directly wrapping it — can do so, thanks to Pinia.

API Overview

If you‘re constructing a Vue app based on this system, you’ll need to use these key interfaces:

See the next section for a minimal example of how to do this. If you’re using Vue’s Options API, you may also find it convenient to use WWTAwareComponent as a base class for some of your components to get pre-wired methods for interacting with the WWT engine Pinia state.

Once you have wired things up, you presumably want to know what WWT is doing and to command it! See The WWT Pinia Interface for an overview of all the possible ways that your application code can interact with the WWT engine.

Quick Start for Vue Initiates

If you’re familiar with Vue, you might want to see what a minimal single-file-component building on this library would look like:

<div id="app">
<!-- Include a WWT Component: -->
<p class="coord-overlay">{{ coordText }}</p>

<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent } from "vue";
import { fmtDegLat, fmtHours } from "@wwtelescope/astro";
import { WWTAwareComponent } from "@wwtelescope/engine-pinia";

// Extend WWTAwareComponent to auto-inherit WWT view properties:
export default App = defineComponent({
extends: WWTAwareComponent,

computed: {
coordText() {
return `${fmtHours(this.wwtRARad)} ${fmtDegLat(this.wwtDecRad)}`;

<style lang="less">
#app {
.wwtelescope-component {
width: 600px;
height: 400px;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;

.coord-overlay {
position: absolute;
top: 1rem;
left: 1rem;
color: #FFF;

By having your app extend the WWTAwareComponent component, you get TypeScript definitions of all of the properties, getters, and actions that allow you to observe the WWT component and control it programmatically.

The associated main application file might look like this:

import { createApp } from "vue";
import { wwtPinia, WWTComponent } from "@wwtelescope/engine-pinia";

import App from "./App.vue";

.component('WorldWideTelescope', WWTComponent)

Note that for now, you can only include one WWT component in each app, because the WWT engine library maintains global state. To work around this, use iframes.

Alternatively, it is possible to mount separate full instances of the application to the same web page by passing in a unique id when creating the Vue app using the customId prop.


createApp(App, {
customId: "myCustomId"
.component('WorldWideTelescope', WWTComponent)

Finally, if you’re using Webpack, you may run into a pitfall because this library must explicitly depend on the Vue package to obtain its TypeScript types. This can lead Webpack to include multiple copies of Vue in your final app bundle, leading to all sorts of non-obvious problems. If you’re using Vue CLI for your app, the following code in vue.config.js fixes the problem:

const path = require('path');

module.exports = {
// ...

configureWebpack: {
resolve: {
alias: {
vue$: path.resolve('./node_modules/vue/dist/vue.runtime.esm-bundler.js'),

See this GitHub comment for more information.

Once you've gotten the basics set up, consult the documentation of the WWTAwareComponent for an organized overview of all of the ways that your app can interact with the WWT rendering engine.


The @wwtelescope/engine module provides an extremely powerful and flexible astronomical visualization engine. However, because its code was based on the C# underyling the WWT Windows application, it is far from idiomatic and does not integrate smoothly into the modern web development ecosystem.

This package exposes the power of the WWT engine to Vue. It requires the use of the Pinia state management library because the WWT engine maintains a great deal of complex internal state. Realistic web applications will want to reflect that state in other app components separate from the main WWT view, which calls for the kind of careful state sychronization that Pinia provides.

Finally, because we are big believers in the reliability benefits of using type- and compile-checked languages, this package is built using TypeScript. Since TypeScript is compiled down to JavaScript, you can ignore the typing declarations and use it as simple JavaScript library if you so choose.


It’s a bit tricky to provide Vue components as plugin libraries, and things get even more complicated if you want to link them up with Pinia. The architecture of this library may seem a bit complicated but it’s the most streamlined approach we could devise.

The core decision made by this library is to use Pinia to manage the shared state of the WWT engine and the surrounding web app. We haven’t seriously explored the alternatives, but all of our experience in this field leads us to believe that Pinia is the right paradigm to use if you want to have any chance of creating a robust, reliable app.

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