wwt-aligner preview

This command previews an AAS WorldWide Telescope WTML file in the WWT web client.


wwt-aligner preview [--port=PORT] {WTML-PATH}


The {WTML-PATH} argument should be the name of a WTML file, most likely one generated by the wwt-aligner go command with its -t (--tile) option.

The --port=PORT option allows you to override the default port number for the preview HTTP service, which is 17001. You might need to use this if you want to run multiple preview commands simultaneously.

The generic command-line arguments are also supported.


This program is somewhat limited in its funtionality because the HTTP server runs inside the alignerโ€™s Docker container. For more a more featureful preview system, install the wwt_data_formats Python package and use the wwtdatatool preview and/or wwtdatatool serve commands. That package provides a variety of other tools that are helpful for manipulating WTML files.

See Also๐Ÿ”—