  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All

Information about the current state of the WWT application.

This message may be broadcasted by the application in response to various events such as loading of imagery catalogs. Clients can monitor these messages and synchronize their internal state as needed. Implementors should keep in mind that each application might have multiple clients, so state updates may seem to arrive "spontaneously" in response to actions initiated by third parties.

Not all fields of this message will always be present, depending on the nature of the event triggering the emission of this message. A message missing a particular field should be treated as conveying no information about the state described by that field.


  • ApplicationStateMessage



Optional hipsCatalogNames

hipsCatalogNames: string[]

The names of the available HiPS catalog datasets.


sessionId: string

An app/client session identifier.

If a single client is communicating with multiple apps, it needs to be able to tell which app is the source of any unsolicited messages. This session identifier allows clients to do so. The default value is "default". But if a client sends a PingPongMessage with a customized sessionId field, that value will start appearing in these view state update messages.


type: "wwt_application_state"

A message type identifier.

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