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Interface WWTEngineVuexState

This interface expresses the properties exposed by the WWT Engine’s Vuex store module.

See WWTAwareComponent for an organized overview of the different aspects of WWT state that are exposed in the Vuex framework, along with associated getters, actions, and mutations.

Much of this interface duplicates state that is already stored within the WWT engine itself (i.e., the WWTInstance). Due to the way that the Vue/Vuex reactivity framework works, we need to mirror the engine state into Vuex. The first reason to do this is that, as far as I can tell, there's no good way to integrate the "external" state of the WWT instance into the reactivity framework so that dependencies can be mapped correctly. And we can't just integrate the WWT instance into the reactivity framework -- well, I haven't tried, but I'm 99% sure that it won't work with all of the WebGL textures and whatnot. I.e., the WWT types that hold state are not "plain old data".

The second reason is that it is recommended for app state to be flattened and normalized when expressed in Vuex, as in this post. The WWT engine certainly does not express its state in such a manner.

The duplication of WWT's data structures is annoying, but the actual amount of mirrored data isn't very big.


  • WWTEngineVuexState

Implemented by




activeLayers: string[]

The GUIDs of all rendered layers, in their draw order.


availableImagesets: ImagesetInfo[]

Info about the imagesets that are available in the engine to be used as backgrounds


backgroundImageset: null | Imageset

The current imageset acting as the background imagery, if defined.


clockDiscontinuities: number

The number of times that the WWT engine clock has been changed in a discontinuous manner.

The point of this property is that one can watch() it and get alerted to when this happens.


clockRate: number

The rate at which the WWT engine clock progresses, compared to real time.


currentTime: Date

The current WWT clock time of the view, as a UTC Date.


decRad: number

The current declination of the view, in radians.

TODO: define this properly for planetary lat/lng views!


foregroundImageset: null | Imageset

The current imageset acting as the foreground imagery, if defined.


foregroundOpacity: number

The opacity with which the foreground imageset is rendered; valid values are between 0 and 100 (inclusive).


imagesetLayers: {}

Settings for all registered imageset layers.

Type declaration


isTourPlayerActive: boolean

Whether the tour playback mode is active.

Specifically, this is true if the WWTControl has a uiController item that is a TourPlayer item. See also isTourPlaying.


isTourPlaying: boolean

Whether a tour is actively playing righ now.

It might be the case that a tour player is active, but the tour is paused.


raRad: number

The current right ascension of the view, in radians.

TODO: define this properly for planetary lat/lng views!


renderType: ImageSetType

The current mode of the renderer


rollRad: number

The current roll of the view camera, in radians


showWebGl2Warning: boolean


spreadSheetLayers: {}

Settings for all registered WWT spreadsheet layers.

Type declaration

  • [guidtext: string]: SpreadSheetLayerState


tourCompletions: number

The number of times that a tour has played through to the end.

The point of this property is that one can watch() it and get alerted to tour completion.


tourRunTime: null | number

The total run-time of the current tour, if there is one, measured in seconds.


tourStopStartTimes: number[]

The start times of the stops in the tour, measured in seconds.

It is possible for tour stops to be linked in a non-linear order, such that actual playback won't proceed linearly in the way that this API would imply.


tourTimecode: number

How far we have progressed into the current tour, in seconds.

This number does not necessarily progress monotonically due to the way that WWT measures tour playback progress. We associate a start time with each "stop" in the tour, and can measure progress through a stop, but stops do not necessarily transition from one to another in linear fashion.

That being said, this number should range between 0 and the runtime of the current tour. If no tour is loaded, it will be zero.


zoomDeg: number

The current zoom level of the view, in degrees.

The zoom level is the angular height of the viewport, times size.

TODO: define this properly for 3D modes!

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