Type alias BaseEngineSetting

BaseEngineSetting: ["actualPlanetScale", boolean] | ["constellations", boolean] | ["constellationBoundryColor", string] | ["constellationFigureColor", string] | ["constellationsEnabled", string] | ["constellationSelectionColor", string] | ["crosshairsColor", string] | ["earthCutawayView", boolean] | ["localHorizonMode", boolean] | ["galacticMode", boolean] | ["locationAltitude", number] | ["locationLat", number] | ["locationLng", number] | ["milkyWayModel", boolean] | ["showAltAzGrid", boolean] | ["showAltAzGridText", boolean] | ["showConstellations", boolean] | ["showConstellationBoundries", boolean] | ["showConstellationFigures", boolean] | ["showConstellationLabels", boolean] | ["showConstellationPictures", boolean] | ["showConstellationSelection", boolean] | ["showCrosshairs", boolean] | ["showEarthSky", boolean] | ["showEcliptic", boolean] | ["showEclipticGrid", boolean] | ["showEclipticGridText", boolean] | ["showEclipticOverviewText", boolean] | ["showElevationModel", boolean] | ["showEquatorialGridText", boolean] | ["showGalacticGrid", boolean] | ["showGalacticGridText", boolean] | ["showGrid", boolean] | ["showHorizon", boolean] | ["showISSModel", boolean] | ["showPrecessionChart", boolean] | ["showSkyGrids", boolean] | ["showSkyNode", boolean] | ["showSkyOverlays", boolean] | ["showSkyOverlaysIn3d", boolean] | ["showSolarSystem", boolean] | ["smoothPan", boolean] | ["solarSystemCMB", boolean] | ["solarSystemCosmos", boolean] | ["solarSystemMilkyWay", boolean] | ["solarSystemOrbits", boolean] | ["solarSystemOverlays", boolean] | ["solarSystemLighting", boolean] | ["solarSystemMultiRes", boolean] | ["solarSystemMinorPlanets", boolean] | ["solarSystemMinorOrbits", boolean] | ["solarSystemPlanets", boolean] | ["solarSystemStars", boolean] | ["minorPlanetsFilter", number] | ["planetOrbitsFilter", number] | ["solarSystemScale", number]

Settings for the WWT engine that don't depend on types defined in the engine itself.

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