LCAPI Commands

The following commands can be used to control layers from the application. Note that command names are not case-sensitive, and that the general parameters can be included along with any other command.

activateHighlights the selected layer in the layer manager.
deleteSpecifies that a layer should be permanently deleted.
getpropRetrieve a single layer property.
getpropsRetrieve all the properties for a specified layer.
groupSpecifies that a layer group should be added.
layerlistGet the structure of the layers and layer group names
loadSpecifies a data file, and and some optional parameters, to apply to a new layer.
modeChanges the view mode to one of Earth, Planet, Sky, Panorama, SolarSystem.
moveChanges the view depending on the supplied parameter.
newSpecifies that a new layer should be created.
setpropSpecify a value of a single layer property.
setpropsSpecify multiple values for a layer.
stateRequests some details of the current view.
uisettingsUsed to change user interface settings, without altering the layer data.
updateSpecifies that the data attached to this command should be added to the layer.
versionReturns the version number of the running version of the LCAPI.
general parametersParameters that can be applied to any of the commands.


The activate layer command will highlight the selected layer in the layer manager.

Required ParametersDescription
idSpecifies the id number of the layer.

The following string will be included in the response if the call is successful:


If the call is not successful the following string may be included in the response, or other errors may be returned:

<Status>Error - Invalid layer ID</Status>


The delete command specifies that a layer should be permanently deleted.

All sub-components of the layer will also be deleted.

Required ParametersDescription
idSpecifies the ID number of the layer.

The following string will be included in the response if the call is successful:


If the call is not successful the following string may be included in the response, or other errors may be returned:

<Status>Error - Invalid layer ID</Status>


The getprop command is used to retrieve a value of a single layer property.

Required ParametersDescription
idSpecifies the id number of the layer.
propnameProperty name

Layer properties are documented in the next section.

If the call is successful the response will contain the following string:

<LayerApi><Status>Success</Status><Layer {propertyName}="{propertyValue}"</Layer></LayerApi>

Where {propertyName} is the property name requested, and {propertyValue} is the value returned. For example:

<LayerApi><Status>Success</Status><Layer AltType="Depth"</Layer></LayerApi>
<LayerApi><Status>Success</Status><Layer AltColumn="3"</Layer></LayerApi>
<LayerApi><Status>Success</Status><Layer Astronomical="False"</Layer></LayerApi>
<LayerApi><Status>Success</Status><Layer BeginRange="1/9/2009 11:44:38 AM"</Layer></LayerApi>
<LayerApi><Status>Success</Status><Layer EndRange="9/9/2009 11:13:52 PM"</Layer></LayerApi>
<LayerApi><Status>Success</Status><Layer Decay="16"</Layer></LayerApi>
<LayerApi><Status>Success</Status><Layer Name="EarthQuakes2009"</Layer></LayerApi>
<LayerApi><Status>Success</Status><Layer FadeSpan="00:00:00"</Layer></LayerApi>
<LayerApi><Status>Success</Status><Layer MarkerIndex="-1"</Layer></LayerApi>

If the call is not successful the following string may be included in the response, or other errors may be returned:

<Status>Error - Invalid parameter</Status>

Example: Get Altitude Unit of a Layer๐Ÿ”—

The following client code:

WebClient client = new WebClient();
string url = string.Format(
  getIP().ToString(), layerId, "AltUnit"

Might receive the following response:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><LayerApi><Status>Success</Status><Layer AltUnit="Kilometers"</Layer></LayerApi>


The getprops command is used to retrieve all the properties for a specified layer.

Required ParametersDescription
idSpecifies the id number of the layer.

Layer properties are documented in the next section.

If the call is successful the response string will contain the following string:


If the call is not successful the following string may be included in the response, or other errors may be returned:

<Status>Error - Invalid layer ID</Status>

The following example gets all the properties from any of the different types of layer. Note that the response string does not include newlines, these have been added for readability.

Example: Get All Properties of Layer๐Ÿ”—

The following code fetches and parses all properties of layer:

private void buttonGetProperties()
        WebClient client = new WebClient();
        string url = string.Format(
          getIP().ToString(), layerId
        string response = client.UploadString(url, "");
        XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

        XmlNode node = doc["LayerApi"];
        if (node.InnerText.Contains("Success"))
            XmlNode node2 = node["Layer"];
            if (node2 != null)
                string propName;
                string propValue;

                for (int i = 0; i < node2.Attributes.Count; i++)
                    propName = node2.Attributes[i].Name;
                    propValue = node2.Attributes[i].Value;
                    // Do something with the name/value pair
                // No properties returned
           throw new Exception(response);
    catch (Exception ex)
        // Handle exception

For a "spreadsheet" (tabular) data layer, the response may take the form:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
   BeginRange="1/9/2009 11:44:38 AM"
   EndRange="9/9/2009 11:13:52 PM"
   StartTime="1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM"
   EndTime="12/31/9999 11:59:59 PM"
   Astronomical="False" />

For a 3D Model layer, the response may look like:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
   Scale="1, 1, 1"
   Translate="0, 0, 0"
   StartTime="1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM"
   EndTime="12/31/9999 11:59:59 PM"
   Astronomical="False" />

For a ShapeFile layer, the response may look like:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
   StartTime="1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM"
   EndTime="12/31/9999 11:59:59 PM"
   Astronomical="False" />

For an ImageSet layer, the response may look like:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
   StartTime="1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM"
   EndTime="12/31/9999 11:59:59 PM"
   Astronomical="False" />


The group command specifies that a layer group should be added.

Layer groups are just an organizational aid when using the layer manager. The user will be able to collapse and expand groups in the Layer Manager, and have groups that are sub-sets of other groups.

Required ParametersDescription
nameA unique name for the layer group.
frameThe reference frame of the group.

The reference frame can be a layer group created with the group command, or one of: Earth, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Io, Ganymede, Callisto, Europa, Sun, or ISS.

The following string will be included in the response if the call is successful:


If the call is not successful the following string may be included in the response, or other errors may be returned:

<Status>Error - Invalid layer ID</Status>

Example: Create a Layer group๐Ÿ”—

private void createLayerGroup(string frame, string name)
        WebClient client = new WebClient();
        string url = string.Format(
          getIP().ToString(), frame, name
        string response = client.UploadString(url, "");
        XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
        XmlNode node = doc["LayerApi"];
        string s = node.InnerText;

        // Handle an error situation
        if (s.Contains("Error"))
            throw new Exception(s);
    catch (Exception ex)
        // Handle exception


The layerlist command returns the structure of the layers and layer group names (in an XML document format) that are currently in the layer manager.

Optional ParameterDescriptionDefault Value
layersonlyTrue indicates that only layers, and not reference frames or group names, should be returned.False

If the call is successful a string will be returned that is an XML document. The format and contents are shown in the example below If the call is not successful the following string may be included in the response, or other errors may be returned:

<Status>Error - Invalid layer ID</Status>

Example: Get Layer List๐Ÿ”—

The following code will result in the response given below, in an example where one layer (EarthQuakes2009) and one group (New Mercury Group) have been added to the layer manager prior to the layerlist call.

// Recursive scanning of child nodes
private void scanNode(XmlNode node)
   int i,n;
   // First loop through the attributes of the node

   for (i = 0; i < node.Attributes.Count; i++)
      // Do something with the node.Attributes[i].Name and node.Attributes[i].Value

   // Next recurse the node tree
   for (n = 0; n < node.ChildNodes.Count; n++)

// Get the current list of Reference Frames, groups and layers
private void getLayerlist(string layersonly)
       WebClient client = new WebClient();
       string url = string.Format(
         getIP().ToString(), layersonly
       string response = client.UploadString(url, "");
       XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

       XmlNode node = doc["LayerApi"];
       if (node.InnerText.Contains("Success"))
          XmlNode node2 = node["LayerList"];

          if (node2 != null)
             // Top level items returned = node2.ChildNodes.Count
             // No items returned
          throw new Exception(response);
   catch (Exception ex)
      // Handle exception

If the layersonly parameter is false, the response might be:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<ReferenceFrame Name="Sun" Enabled="True">
<ReferenceFrame Name="Mercury" Enabled="True">
    <LayerGroup Name="New Mercury Group" Enabled="True" />
<ReferenceFrame Name="Venus" Enabled="True" />
<ReferenceFrame Name="Earth" Enabled="True">
    <Layer Name="EarthQuakes2009" ID="712cdef2-907f-4fc5-ae2c-c57488be4517" Type="SpreadSheetLayer" Enabled="True" />
    <ReferenceFrame Name="Moon" Enabled="True" />
    <ReferenceFrame Name="ISS" Enabled="True" />
<ReferenceFrame Name="Mars" Enabled="True" />
<ReferenceFrame Name="Jupiter" Enabled="True">
    <ReferenceFrame Name="Io" Enabled="True" />
    <ReferenceFrame Name="Europa" Enabled="True" />
    <ReferenceFrame Name="Ganymede" Enabled="True" />
    <ReferenceFrame Name="Callisto" Enabled="True" />
<ReferenceFrame Name="Saturn" Enabled="True" />
<ReferenceFrame Name="Uranus" Enabled="True" />
<ReferenceFrame Name="Neptune" Enabled="True" />
<ReferenceFrame Name="Pluto" Enabled="True" />

If the layersonly parameter is true, the response might be:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
    <Layer Name="EarthQuakes2009" ID="712cdef2-907f-4fc5-ae2c-c57488be4517" Type="SpreadSheetLayer"  Enabled="True" />


The load command specifies a data file, and and some optional parameters, to apply to a new layer.

Files that can be loaded using this commend include spreadsheet data (comma or tab delimited text), shape files (.shp), 3D model files (.3ds), and WTML files containing ImageSet references. In the latter case the first image set found in the file will be loaded. Refer to the WorldWide Telescope Data Files Reference for more details on WTML files.

If a spreadsheet of data is loaded, the load command will initiate an import wizard of WorldWide Telescope, in order to select the appropriate columns, timing data, and so on. An import wizard is not automatically invoked by the other data file types.

Note that parameter names are case-sensitive.

Required ParametersDescription
frameThe reference frame of the group.
filenameThe full path of the file to load.
Optional ParametersDescriptionDefault Value
nameA friendly name for the layer."New Layer"
colorARGB hex value of the color to be used when rendering the events of the layer.FFFFFFFF (white)
startdateWith time series data, the date and time to start the visualization for this layer. This could for example be slightly earlier than the date of the first event in the actual data.The System minimum date value
enddateWith time series data, the date and time to end the visualization for this layer.The System maximum date value
fadetypeFades the data visualization. One of: In, Out, Both or None.None
faderangeFade time, in days.Zero

The reference frame can be a layer group created with the group command, or one of: Earth, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Io, Ganymede, Callisto, Europa, Sun, or ISS.

The startdate and enddate values use MM/DD/YYYY structure and may take the formats 1/1/2000 12:30:30 AM, 1/1/2010 11:00:00 PM, 1/1/2010 11:30 AM, 1/1/2010 11 am, 1/1/2000, 1/2000.

The following string will be included in the response string:


Where {NNNN} is the layer id, which will be a GUID in string format.

If the call is not successful the following string may be included in the response, or other errors may be returned:

<Status>Error - Could not Load Layer</Status>

Example: Load Layer Data๐Ÿ”—

Note that the example code uses datetime, one of the general parameters, to initiate the visualization of the data immediately.

private void loadDatafile(string name, string frame, string filename, string datetime)
        WebClient client = new WebClient();
        string url = string.Format(
          getIP().ToString(), frame, filename, name, datetime
        string response = client.UploadString(url, "");
        XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
        XmlNode node = doc["LayerApi"];
        XmlNode child = node.ChildNodes[0];
        layerId = child.InnerText;
        string s = node.InnerText;

        // Handle an error situation
        if (s.Contains("Error"))
            throw new Exception(s);
    catch (Exception ex)
        // Handle error.


The mode command changes the WWT view mode to one of Earth, Planet, Sky, Panorama, or SolarSystem.

Required ParametersDescription
lookatThe view mode to use.

The following string will be included in the response if the call is successful:


Example: Change the View Mode๐Ÿ”—

WebClient client = new WebClient();
string url = string.Format(
  "http://{0}:5050/layerApi.aspx?cmd=mode&lookat={1}", getIP().ToString(), "SolarSystem"
string response = client.UploadString(url, "");


The move command changes the view depending on the supplied parameter.

Required ParametersDescription
moveThe way to adjust the current view.

The value of the move parameter must be one of the following:

ZoomInZoom in on the current view.
ZoomOutZoom out of the current view.
UpMove the current view up.
DownMove the current view down.
LeftMove the current view left.
RightMove the current view right.
ClockwiseRotate the view clockwise by 0.2 radians.
CounterClockwiseRotate the view counterclockwise by 0.2 radians.
TiltUpAngle the view up by 0.2 radians.
TiltDownAngle the view down by 0.2 radians.

The following string will be included in the response if the call is successful:


The following code will be included in the response if the move parameter is invalid:

<Status>Error - Invalid parameter</Status>

Example code: Zoom the View In๐Ÿ”—

WebClient client = new WebClient();
string url = string.Format(
  getIP().ToString(), "ZoomIn"
string response = client.UploadString(url, "");


The new command specifies that a new layer should be created.

The new command will request that an entirely new layer be created, with the following parameters.

Required ParametersDescription
frameThe reference frame of the layer.
Optional ParametersDescriptionDefault Value
nameA friendly name for the layer."New Layer"
colorARGB hex value of the color to be used when rendering the events of the layer.FFFFFFFF (white)
startdateWith time series data, the date and time to start the visualization for this layer. This could for example be slightly earlier than the date of the first event in the actual data.The System minimum date value
enddateWith time series data, the date and time to end the visualization for this layer.The System maximum date value
fadetypeFades the data visualization. One of: In, Out, Both or None.None
faderangeFade time in days.Zero

The reference frame can be a layer group created with the group command, or one of: Earth, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Io, Ganymede, Callisto, Europa, Sun, or ISS.

The startdate and enddate values use MM/DD/YYYY structure and may take the formats 1/1/2000 12:30:30 AM, 1/1/2010 11:00:00 PM, 1/1/2010 11:30 AM, 1/1/2010 11 am, 1/1/2000, 1/2000.

Along with the URL parameters, data should be uploaded formatted as a comma- or tab-delimited string containing the names of the columns in the layer. The supported column names are listed in the following table. The names of the columns in the data file must contain the names listed here (so Latitude is acceptable for Lat, or dMag acceptable for Mag, for example).

Column HeadingDescription
TimeUTC time, for example: 1/1/2000 12:02:46 AM
LatLatitude in decimal degrees.
LonLongitude in decimal degrees.
RARight ascension in decimal degrees.
DecDeclination in decimal degrees.
DepthDepth in kilometers.
AltitudeAltitude in meters.
MagMagnitude as a floating point number.
XX co-ordinate, if a Rectangular co-ordinate system is being used.
YY co-ordinate.
ZZ co-ordinate.

The following string will be included in the response string:


Where {NNNN} is the layer ID, which will be a GUID in string format. If a GUID is not received, then the call was not successful.

Example: Uploading Earthquake Data๐Ÿ”—

Note that the example code uses datetime, one of the general parameters, to initiate the visualization of the data immediately.

// Send a NEW command, extracting info from the data file and the UI
WebClient client = new WebClient();
string datetime =  "1/1/2009 12:00:00 AM";
string name = "Earthquakes 2009";
string rate = "10000";
string frame = "Earth";
string color = "FFFF0000";

string url = string.Format(
  getIP().ToString(), datetime, rate, name, frame, color

string response = client.UploadString(url, "TIME\tLAT\tLON\tDEPTH\tMAG");
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
XmlNode node = doc["LayerApi"];
XmlNode child = node.ChildNodes[0];
layerId = child.InnerText;

// Handle an error situation
if (layerId.Length != 36)
    throw new Exception("Invalid Layer Id received");

For an example of the use of this command in the sample application, see initWWTLayer.


The setprop command is used to specify a value for a single layer property.

Required ParametersDescription
idSpecifies the id number of the layer.
propnameProperty name.
propvalueProperty value in string form.

Layer properties are documented in the next section.

If the call is successful, then the response will contain the string:


If the call is not successful the following string may be included in the response, or other errors may be returned:

<Status>Error - Invalid parameter</Status>

Example Code: Set Layer Opacity๐Ÿ”—

WebClient client = new WebClient();
string url = string.Format(
  getIP().ToString(), layerId,"Opacity", "0.5"
string response = client.UploadString(url, "");


The setprops command is used to specify multiple properties for a layer.

Required ParametersDescription
idSpecifies the id number of the layer.

Along with the URL parameters, the property values should be uploaded as an XML document containing LayerApi and Layer entries. Each attribute to the Layer entry should be a property name/property value pair. Layer properties are documented in the next section.

If the call is successful, then the response will contain the string:


If the call is not successful the following string may be included in the response, or other errors may be returned:

<Status>Error - Invalid parameter</Status>

Example Code: Set BeginRange and Decay properties๐Ÿ”—

string propertyXML = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><LayerApi><Layer BeginRange="1/9/2008 11:44:38 AM" Decay="5.5" /></LayerApi>";
WebClient client = new WebClient();
string url = string.Format(
  getIP().ToString(), layerId
string response = client.UploadString(url, propertyXML);


The state command requests some details of the current view.

This command does not take any parameters. The details returned vary slightly depending on the view mode, and include the current view mode, latitude (or declination) in decimal degrees, longitude (or right ascension) in decimal degrees, zoom factor (0 to 360), angle in radians, rotation in radians, current UTC time, time rate, reference frame, a view token, and zoom text.

If the call is successful the following string will be returned:

<LayerApi><Status>Success</Status><ViewState> [state information](#State_information) </ViewState></LayerApi>

Example code: Get View State๐Ÿ”—

private void getState()
       WebClient client = new WebClient();
       string url = string.Format(
       string response = client.UploadString(url, "");
       XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
       XmlNode node = doc["LayerApi"];
       if (node.InnerText.Contains("Success"))
           XmlNode node2 = node["ViewState"];

           if (node2 != null)
               string propName;
               string propValue;

               for (int i = 0; i < node2.Attributes.Count; i++)
                   propName = node2.Attributes[i].Name;
                   propValue =  node2.Attributes[i].Value;
                   // Do something with the name value pair
              // Success message was a false positive, no state was returned
           throw new Exception(response);
   catch (Exception ex)
      // Handle the exception

In Earth mode, the state information looks like:

   time="2/23/2011 7:03:31 PM"
   zoomText="5085 km">

In Planet mode, the state information looks like:

   time="2/23/2011 7:04:19 PM"
   zoomText="59200 km">

In Sky mode, the state information looks like:

   time="2/23/2011 7:04:51 PM"

In Panorama mode, the state information looks like:

   time="2/23/2011 7:05:35 PM"

In SolarSystem (3D) mode, the state information looks like:

   time="2/23/2011 7:06:13 PM"
   zoomText="38636 km">


The uisettings command is used to change user interface settings. It does not alter layer data.

This command can take any number of named parameters corresponding to the UI settings documented in the next section. Spelling mistakes and capitalization must be emulated precisely.

If the call is successful, then the response will contain the string:


Example: Show Constellation Figures๐Ÿ”—

WebClient client = new WebClient();
string  url = string.Format(
string response = client.UploadString(url, "");


The update command specifies that the data attached to this command should be added to the layer.

Required ParametersDescription
idSpecifies the ID number of the layer.
Optional ParametersDescriptionDefault Value
hasheaderSet to true if the data has a header row. The header should be the first row of the data.False
nameA friendly name to rename the layer.No change
nopurgeThe sending of an update command will delete rows that (1) occur before the start time of any events in the update and (2) that have already decayed. Set this flag to true if the event data should not be deleted.False
purgeallDelete all events.False
showSet to true to show the layer, false to hide it. "True" and "false" are not case-sensitive.True

The parameters should be accompanied with an upload of comma or tab delimited data in a form that matches the heading names of the columns in the layer provided in the new command.

The following string will be included in the response if the call is successful:


If the call is not successful the following string may be included in the response, or other errors may be returned:

<Status>Error - Invalid layer ID</Status>

Example Code: Update Data๐Ÿ”—

// Send an UPDATE command
string lineBuffer = "... some kind of data ...";

WebClient client = new WebClient();
string url = string.Format(
  getIP().ToString(), layerId
string response = client.UploadString(url, lineBuffer);
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
XmlNode node = doc["LayerApi"];
string s = node.InnerText;

// Handle an error situation
if (s.Contains("Error"))
    throw new Exception(s);

Example Code: Update Data with a flyTo Parameter๐Ÿ”—

// Send an UPDATE command with a flyTo parameter
string lat = "...", lon, zoom, rotation, angle;

WebClient client = new WebClient();
string url = string.Format(
  getIP().ToString(), layerId, lat, lon, zoom, rotation, angle
string response = client.UploadString(url, lineBuffer);
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
XmlNode node = doc["LayerApi"];
string s = node.InnerText;

// Handle an error situation
if (s.Contains("Error"))
    throw new Exception(s);

For an example of the use of this command in the sample application, see flushBufferToWWT.


The version command returns the version number of the running version of the LCAPI.

The version number should be used in an application to ensure that the LCAPI features used are supported by the version of the LCAPI running on the client computer.

The following string will be included in the response if the call is successful (the version number will be more recent than the one shown below):


There are no specific errors returned if the call is not successful.

Refer to the getIP utility to see how to extract and check a version number.

General Parameters๐Ÿ”—

The general parameters can be used with any of the commands.

datetimeSets the viewing clock to the given date and time, in UTC format.
timerateThe accelerated time to render the visualization, as a multiple of 10.
flytoSets the position of the view camera as described below.
instantUsed with the flyto parameter, set this to true to specify that the camera should jump to the location, or false that the camera should smoothly pan and zoom to the location.
autoloopTrue sets the layer manager to auto loop.

The datetime values uses MM/DD/YYYY structure and may take the formats 1/1/2000 12:30:30 AM, 1/1/2010 11:00:00 PM, 1/1/2010 11:30 AM, 1/1/2010 11 am, 1/1/2000, or 1/2000.

The flyTo parameter sets the position of the view camera. It takes five or six comma-separated parameters:

  1. Latitude is in decimal degrees, positive to the North.
  2. Longitude is in decimal degrees, positive to the East.
  3. Zoom level varies from 360 (the most distant view) to 0.00023 (the closest view).
  4. Rotation is in radians, positive moves the camera to the left.
  5. Angle is in radians, positive moves the camera forward.
  6. Optionally, there can be a sixth parameter containing the frame to change the view to, which can be one of: Earth, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Io, Ganymede, Callisto, Europa, Sun, ISS.*

Example Code: Fly to a Location๐Ÿ”—

// Extract the values from the text boxes of a dialog, assuming there
// are rich text boxes with the names shown below.
string flyString = richLat.Text + "," + richLong.Text + "," + richZoom.Text + "," + richRotation.Text + "," + richAngle.Text;

WebClient client = new WebClient();
string url = string.Format(
  getIP().ToString(), flyString, richInstant.Text
string response = client.UploadString(url, "");