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Namespace WWTControl



Const singleton

singleton: WWTControl

The global WWTControl singleton instance.



  • Initialize the WWT engine and launch its rendering loop.


    • divId: string

      The id of the DOM element into which the WWT WebGL surface will be inserted.

    Returns ScriptInterface

    A handle to a ScriptInterface associated with this engine instance.

    The engine is not immediately usable since it must perform initialization that includes fetching resources from the network.


  • Initialize the WWT engine with defaults.

    The same as initControl6, with startLat and startLng defaulting to 0, startZoom defaulting to 360, and startMode defaulting to "Sky".


    • divId: string
    • startRenderLoop: boolean

    Returns ScriptInterface


  • initControl6(divId: string, startRenderLoop: boolean, startLat: number, startLng: number, startZoom: number, startMode: string): ScriptInterface
  • Initialize the WWT engine.


    • divId: string

      The id of the DOM element into which the WWT WebGL surface will be inserted.

    • startRenderLoop: boolean

      If true, the engine's internal rendering loop will be launched immediately.

    • startLat: number

      The starting declination or latitude for the view, in degrees.

    • startLng: number

      The starting longitude or right ascension for the view, in degrees.

    • startZoom: number

      The starting zoom level for the view.

    • startMode: string

      The starting mode for the view: one of "earth" or "Sky".

    Returns ScriptInterface

    A handle to a ScriptInterface associated with this engine instance.

    The engine is not immediately usable since it must perform initialization that includes fetching resources from the network.

    If the value of startMode is not recognized, Sky mode is assumed.

    Additional variants of this function, taking additional arguments, may be added over time. Existing versions will be preserved to maintain backwards compatibility.

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